Scripturial Blog
The top 8 Biblical Greek Question Patterns
What are the core Biblical Greek sentence patterns, and why are they a core component of Scripturial?
What language did Jesus speak?
The bible is written in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic, with some Latin influences. What languaage did Jesus speak?
Five Finger Rule for Literacy
What is the Five Finger Rule, and is it relevant to improving biblical language literacy?
Which unit should I begin?
Each unit builds on the unit before it, so where do you start if you already know some Biblical Greek?
History of the Biblical Greek Alphabet
The Biblical Greek alphabet is essentially the same as the Alphabet used in Modern Greek, but it wasn't always that way.
Does the Father clean or prune the branches?
Understand the connection between the pruning of the father, and the cleaning of the word in John 15.