
Scripturial App Version 3

Exciting changes are coming to Scripturial 3 which we hope will improve everyone's Biblical Greek study experience. Because this may impact the way some people study we would like to introduce them in advance.


Some people hate flashcards, and some people love them. Previously Scripturial did not include flashcards at all, instead it was encouraged that people repeat lessons in areas they needed to revise. It is clear that some people really do love to integrate flashcards as part of their study. Beginning with version 3, when you complete a lesson that is designed to introduce a new word, you will see a message letting you know that this new word has been added to your personal flashcard deck.

Spaced Repitition

The flashcard screen uses spaced repetition to help manage your flashcard sessions. Cards that you are having trouble with will appear more frequently. Cards you consistently answer correctly will be shown much less frequently.


The biggest support challenge with the app has been the sign-up process. Some people have trouble with the email verification process, some people simply don't want to be required to sign in to use the app, and some people use the app in locations where internet is not always available. In response to feedback, Scripturial 3 replaces online signup and related features with alternate gamification functionality. Version 3 introduces an achievements system.

Local Notifications

To ensure complete offline operation, study reminders will now be sent using your phones local notifications system. When you enable notifications in Scripturial 3, you can now receive study reminder notifications directly on phones Home Screen. You will be able to turn off notifications at any time, and notifications will automatically stop if you cease being an active student.

If you have submitted personal information prior to version 3, in accordance with the privacy policy all personal information is scheduled to be deleted after the rollout of version 3 is complete. As always, all questions, feedback, or comments are very welcome via the feedback page.
